PUT news/_doc/1 { "source_type":"澎湃", "title":"“具身智能”席卷世界机器人大会,王田苗:大部分其实是“具身技能”", "content":"当“具身智能”成为2024世界机器人大会众人热议的焦点时,北京航空航天大学机器人研究所名誉所长王田苗提出了不一样的视角。他认为这次展会,展示的大部分是垂直领域的具身技能。现阶段,对于具身智能机器人或人形机器人,业界基本停留在对通用领域的探索上。具身智能(Embodied Intelligence)强调机器人通过综合感知、推理和自主决策,实现多任务处理和复杂环境中的人机交互,具备广泛的认知能力;而具身技能(Embodied Skills)更聚焦于特定场景下的专业化能力,旨在高效完成特定任务,应用更垂直、商业化更容易。业内认为,具身智能侧重“广而全”的智能化,具身技能则注重“专而精”的能力。现为北航机器人研究所名誉所长,中关村智友研究院院长的王田苗在机器人行业已深耕三十多年。2020年,王田苗联合十五位科学家发起成立了“智友科学家基金”,重点关注具身智能、机器人、机器人上游核心部件等领域。" }
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PUT news/_doc/2 { "source_type":"澎湃", "title":"记录中国|福建永春:“反向旅游”潮下的宝藏小城", "content":"盛夏,夜幕降临,福建永春县的五里古街灯火通明,当地市民和游客陆续到来,这条全长约590米的传统街区逐渐热闹了起来。“这个暑假的自然客流变多了。”永春五里街历史文化街区商铺老板林宏对记录中国团队称。五里街古集镇系永春县一个最早的商业市场。据《永春县志》称,民国初,以其地距离县城五华里而改称五里街,是永春、德化、大田一带货物集散地。作为海上丝绸之路水陆交汇的重要节点,五里古街曾以“无永不开市”名扬海内外,承载着众多华侨华人的乡愁记忆。百年来,这里承担着周边的德化、大田、永安、三明、尤溪、漳平的山货与厦门、泉州、晋江等地海货的交换重任,聚集了来自福建内外的数百商户,曾被誉为“闽南商贸重镇”。彼时,德化陶瓷、大田山货纷纷齐聚到此,再装船运往泉州沿海码头,部分商品还顺流而下,直接销往海外;沿海的盐、海产品、布匹等货物,通过水路运往此处,转至周边内地出售。自2018年起,永春县当地政府积极推进五里古街的修复改造工作,力图借此重现永春的历史与文化记忆,活化古街,以此来增强文化归属感。2024年1月7日,历时5年的重修和改造,五里古街正式开街迎客,通过举办各类活动为其“引流”,这座百年古街逐步被外界看见。今年“五一”期间,通过举办的“状元巡游”和“魁星祈礼”等活动吸引了许多外地游客的到来,让这座百年古街意外走红,更让过去不被人熟知的永春进入游客的视野,一举成为“反向旅游”潮下的宝藏小城。“我们正在努力恢复五里街的往日风采。”永春县一位党政干部对记录中国团队称。" }
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PUT news/_doc/3 { "source_type":"google news", "title":"5 reasons why I use Python instead of Excel for visualizing data", "content":"Microsoft Excel has been a darling of businesses and individuals for data analysis. That said, Python has been gaining popularity among professionals due to its scalability, flexibility, and advanced visualization. While Python was built to automate boring stuff, the programming language has become a go-to solution for many in web development, machine learning, and, of course, data analysis.Python’s extensive libraries and capabilities can deliver a significant upgrade to anyone looking for better data visualization. Here are the prime reasons why I have moved from relying solely on Excel to adopting Python as my preferred tool for data manipulation." }
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PUT news/_doc/4 { "source_type":"google news", "title":"Hurricane Hone soaks Hawaii with flooding rain; another storm approaching", "content":"Dual hurricane threats are zeroing in on Hawaii, a rare combination that could bring impactful rain and winds to the islands twice within a week.The Big Island of Hawaii was under a tropical storm warning until it was discontinued early afternoon Sunday after Hurricane Hone had passed south of the island, with its sustained winds down to 80 mph. The storm had gained Category 1 status overnight and made its presence felt despite not delivering a direct hit.Widespread rainfall of 10 to 15 inches has already fallen across windward Big Island over the past 24 hours, with some locally higher amounts of 18 inches or more, the National Weather Service said near 11 a.m. Hawaii time. Additional rainfall estimates of 3 to 5 inches will keep a moderate to high threat of flash flooding today over much of Hawaii County." }